
I would like to welcome you to my blog for the 2008 Farm Progress Show! I have been given a great opportunity by Monsanto to see the inner-workings of one of America's favorite farm shows. I will be attending all 3 days of the show visiting various booths, shows, events, and displays in order to bring you up-to-date on the happenings at the Farm Progress Show. Check daily for new information, pictures, and even videos!

Monday, September 1, 2008


At the Farm Progress Show I was introduced to a new line of clothing made for a purpose. DEKALB Wing Wear offers in-style clothing and the opportunity to give back to agriculture's youth. When you buy from DEKALB Wing Wear portions of the proceeds go towards DEKALB Ag Youth Scholarship helping young people continue their education in agriculture.

This year's recipients were Alexandria Henry, Heather Bradford, Renee Wangler, Scott Collum, Will Klein, Josh McCann, Laura Wiens, Neal Martin, Kristin Hartgrove, Lindsay Collart.

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