
I would like to welcome you to my blog for the 2008 Farm Progress Show! I have been given a great opportunity by Monsanto to see the inner-workings of one of America's favorite farm shows. I will be attending all 3 days of the show visiting various booths, shows, events, and displays in order to bring you up-to-date on the happenings at the Farm Progress Show. Check daily for new information, pictures, and even videos!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monsanto announces new Acceleron seed treatment brand

I attended a press conference this morning where Monsanto announced the introduction of Acceleron. This will be a seed treatment plan to enhance seed performance from the very start. This is a very exciting advancement for the agriculture, hoping to enhance yields and plant overall health in the near future. Currently, the studies show that Acceleron will enhance yields close to 2 bushels per acre, compared to 1-2 bushels from just fungicide. This will be available first in 2009 for Roundyp Ready 2 Yield Soybeans and corn and cotton to follow.

"Acceleron will do more than just protect against insects and viruses, it will increase all plant health benefits," explained Randy Barker, Monsanto seed treatment strategy lead.

For more information, visit http://www.monsanto.com/

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